Hello! I’m trying to find images or descriptions of glass beads that might have been in Verona, Italy, in 1117ish. Looking to make a site token but my research into extant examples has been weak. Any resources you could find would be greatly appreciated!
I reached out to the folks on the SCA Arts and Sciences Facebook group with some help with this one. I didn’t get a ton of resources there, but there are plenty of other people who are also interested in this topic. So you’re in good company – and in my experience, that means you have an awesome opportunity to learn together and from each other.
The Venetian Bead Story, Part 1: History [Plates]The Margaretologist, The Journal for the Center of Bead Research
Volume 11, Number 2, Issue 26 (1998)
The Venetian Bead Story, Part 2: The Beads [Plates]The Margaretologist, The Journal for the Center of Bead Research
Volume 12, Number 1, Issue 27 (1999)
This publication has a bunch of articles on the history of beads, which seem, at a cursory glance, to have extensive bibliographies.
Dominique Bussolin On The Glass-Bead Industry Of Murano And Venice (1847)
Karlis Karklins
BEADS: The Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers
Vol. 2 (1990)
This is another publication that you could probably find lots of good information about various aspects of period beads.
Glass bead-making from the Middle Ages to the early 19th century
[Abebooks], since it is a government publication from Canada, doesn’t seem widely available for ILL or purchase
K.E. Kidd, Parks Canada
History and archaeology series, #30
ISBN: 0660104458
Analysis of early medieval glass beads – Glass in the transition period
Ziga Smit, Timotej Knific, David Jezersek, Jana Istenic
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Volume 278, 1 May 2012, pages 8-14
Compositional Categories of Ancient Glass
E. V. Sayre, R. W. Smith
Science, 9 June 1961, Volume 133, Issue 3467, pp. 1824-1826